Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Have Her Begging For Sex

Foreplay Tips Guaranteed To Have Her Begging For Sex
by Jason Julius

There is no beating around the bush on this one foreplay is huge for women! Women are very emotional creatures and it helps them feel sexy and wanted by you. Unlike men women take some time to get "warmed up" for sexual intercourse. If you just jump right into sex without foreplay it can make a woman feel like nothing more than a device for getting you off, and no one wants to feel like that.

Now every woman will be different as to what she best responds to, but these foreplay tips I'm about to share with you are sure to have most women feeling totally satisfied. Feel free to add in any of your own touches to any of these tips.

Tip 1 - Foreplay doesn't only have to take place in the bedroom. In fact it's about 100 times more effective if you start several hours before you plan on having sex.

Try leaving her dirty love notes around the house, send her dirty text messages through out the day. All of this kind of stuff will drive her crazy.

Tip 2 - Give her a bath

Nothing works better to take her mind off of all the crazy things that happened during her day then a nice warm relaxing bath given by her man.

Make sure and set the mood with candles, some sexy music and a glass of wine. You can also combo a neck and back massage while she's in the tub or even if your bath is big enough you can get in too.

Tip 3 - Public displays of affection

When you're out in public together kiss her passionately, brush up against her breasts and touch her butt. All of these subtle little things will build up on top of each other and begin to drive her wild.

Tip 4 - Watch an adult movie

Pornography is not only a turn on for men but also for women. Put on a sexy adult movie and I think you'll like where it goes from there.

Tip 5 - Talk dirty to her

You should be using dirty talk in all of the previous tips. Women love talking dirty but you need to be the one to initiate it. You won't believe some of the things that will come out of her mouth once she knows it's okay.

When you first start out with dirty talk go slow. If you've never talked dirty to her before don't just blurt out the craziest thing you can think of, work up to it.

All of these foreplay tips should really help get any woman in the mood but that's only half the battle. Now you have to perform physically and If you don't know how to please her physically all of the foreplay will be for nothing.

Don't worry though I'm here to help. Head over to my site and watch a free video demonstration on how to stimulate the G Spot and give her the most intense orgasms of her life.

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